Melissa Smith

For Montana HD 39


my promises

What I Will Fight For

Climate Change

Climate change is the defining issue of our time and a core threat to our lives and equality under the law.

Health Care

Access to affordable healthcare is a right. I will work to improve both accessibility and affordability for more Montanans.

Safer Communities

Protecting freedom for Montanans means improving community safety. Accidents and violence affect health and quality of life, for those both directly and indirectly affected.

Let's Solve Some Problems

When friends gather, we like to joke about solving the world problems. The thing is, solving problems is what I love to do, and the best ideas come from the people around me.

I’m running for office to protect our Montana constitution, and the rights of all Montanans. Support my campaign and I promise to elevate your voices to help make our Montana community the best it can be for everyone in our Montana community!


Help Melissa Get Elected